the fast part in breakfast; most mornings are a race out the door. So let’s make a detour this morning from the
donut or bagel shop and grab a few ingredients including quinoa to make a
healthy breakfast.
1 cup of Quinoa cooked
1 medium to large apple
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 tablespoon of agave or maple syrup
Precook the Quinoa the night before
· Cut the apple and
add the cinnamon and agave or maple syrup the morning of.
· You can add different
nuts like walnuts.
· Mix together and
You can add any
fruit or combination you would like this is just a starting point, add
banana’s, or fresh berries.
Recipe by Kimberly Ignas CNP, NNCP adapted from Hayley Shwaizer CNP recipe.
I finally tried this and it is SO good!! The first Quinoa recipe that I actually liked! Thanks! :)